Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Life can be scary. It can require so much strength from us but this scripture reminds us
that God has something incredible for you. This command begins with God telling Joshua that
he is going to lead the nation into the Promise Land (Joshua 1:1-2) and he will not be alone –
God will be with him. Leading the nation of Israel is a big job. Here God says to Joshua to be
bold and courageous, to not be afraid.

Although, you may not be leading a nation you are leading your life and that takes work. At
times it is overwhelming. God’s promise to Joshua applies to, God is with you. He has
commanded you not to be afraid for where you go God will go also. We keep our eyes on Jesus.
When we try to be strong and courageous within our own strength we fail. The ups and downs
of life is too much for us on our own. We need our Helper.

Here is a helpful way to be strong and courageous. Don’t take your eyes off God. Things might
get difficult in your life; he might call you to step into the unknown. But you can be strong and
courageous if you keep your eyes on him. One of the best ways to do this is to create a daily
routine connecting with God. You can do this through reading the bible, listening to worship
music and with prayer.