New Beginnings – Week 1

New Beginnings – Week 1

“A beginning is a very delicate time.” ~ Virginia Madsen August is not the typical time of year that new beginnings come up, However, for many families it is the beginning of a new school year. This is the time of year for new schedules and new school...
New Beginnings – Week 2

New Beginnings – Week 2

“Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn Change is hard, but don’t let a new start feel like giving up. Being safe, emotionally and physically healthy and yes-even happy are important and achievable things if...
New Beginnings – Week 3

New Beginnings – Week 3

“Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” ~ C.S. Lewis What in your current situation is keeping you down? Are you consumed with memories of the past? Hoping upon hope...
New Beginnings – Week 4

New Beginnings – Week 4

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” ~ Seneca What new beginning are you trying to get to now? Change is hard. New beginnings often require giving something else up. But the fresh start is worth it. While you can’t escape or change...
June – Week 1

June – Week 1

Well, here you are! You have succeeded in leaving the toxic relationship behind. You and your kids are in a safe place filled with calm and peaceful vibes. You’re tired and exhausted physically and emotionally. But you no longer need to walk on eggshells. Relief...
June – Week 2

June – Week 2

Building respect starts with setting healthy boundaries. This can be difficult to approach after living with an abusive partner. Reach Out Speak Out has counselors to help you begin to learn to set these boundaries. This will benefit not only your life but the lives...