Difficult Conversations – Week 1

Difficult Conversations – Week 1

Difficult Conversations/Difficult People (How to have that difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding) Week 1 When you think about the characteristics of a difficult person…what words or phrases come to your mind? Obnoxious, hurtful, demeaning, invasive, irritable,...
Difficult Conversations – Week 2

Difficult Conversations – Week 2

Difficult Conversations/Difficult People (How to have that difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding) Week 2 Well, we have all encountered different situations and people in our lives that are hard to deal with…some are more toxic than others, but the truth is that...
Difficult Conversations – Week 3

Difficult Conversations – Week 3

Difficult Conversations/Difficult People (How to have that difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding) Week 3 I would like to give you some practical ways to counteract these negative behaviors. Remember, the goal is to preserve the relationship,“if at all possible,”...
Difficult Conversations – Week 4

Difficult Conversations – Week 4

Difficult Conversations/Difficult People (How to have that difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding) Week 4 In addition to last weeks blog….. Make others aware of the problem. Many times just making someone aware of the effect they are having on you will...
Back to Basics – Week 1

Back to Basics – Week 1

Have you ever felt that you need a “reset” to get things on the right track? As humans we sometimes need to re-evaluate our actions and be sure as individuals, we are following what God wants for our life. That thought takes me back to a song from a group I listened...
Back to Basics – Week 2

Back to Basics – Week 2

So, what does “back to the basics” have to do with Reach Out Speak Out? As a board, we have decided to go back to our roots of how Reach Out Speak Out was initially envisioned. This means some adjustments in how we do some things. Our mission is “to help women in need...
Back to Basics – Week 3

Back to Basics – Week 3

Going back to basics related to our mission (see last week’s blog for more on the mission) means enlisting help from YOU, and look for our community and churches to help. We need your BOGO extras to donate to our families. We need your encouraging words written to our...
Back to Basics – Week 4

Back to Basics – Week 4

Reach Out Speak Out cannot continue to reach new clients we know are out there without your help. We have several committed board members who are passionate about what we do. We need to get back to those basics where we had people helping with time, talents,...
The Many Facets of Love – Week 1

The Many Facets of Love – Week 1

My wedding was not a shotgun wedding, and I said those wedding vows of my own free will. The words were ringing in my ears: What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. I promise to love her until death do us apart. Love is a very complex emotion sometimes....
The Many Facets of Love – Week 2

The Many Facets of Love – Week 2

At home that Sunday evening, she did apologize, but her apology didn’t match the offense. It’s one thing to say I’m sorry for raising my voice at you and asking for forgiveness. However, it’s a whole other ballgame to apologize for a physical assault and expect...