Throughout the years, we have been blessed with the opportunity to assist countless families who have bravely escaped domestic violence. This mission has only been made possible by the unwavering support of generous donors like you over the past decade. Through various fundraisers and events, we have raised funds and awareness for this important cause. Currently, we are in the planning stages for our highly-anticipated 10th Annual Purple Passion Silent Auction, known as one of the largest silent auctions in the Tampa Bay area. The air is filled with excitement and hope as we prepare for this event, knowing that all monies raised will go directly towards supporting our families in need.

As an organization run solely by volunteers, every dollar raised makes a huge impact on our ability to provide resources and aid to those affected by domestic violence. Our dedicated team of volunteers receives no monetary compensation for their tireless efforts.

In addition to our annual Purple Passion event, we also hold a Love Shouldn’t Hurt sale in February and an annual garage sale where donated household items, clothing, and more are sold to raise funds. We also offer personal fundraising opportunities, approved by our Board of Directors, which have included holiday ornament exchanges and donation drives for essential items like grocery gift cards, canned goods, cleaning products, and toiletries for our families.

For many of these families, leaving a domestic violence situation means starting over with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Your donation can truly make all the difference in their survival and journey towards a better life. And as a registered non-profit organization, all donations to Purple Passion and Reach Out Speak Out are completely tax-deductible. Thank you for your unwavering support and generosity towards this cause that affects so many lives.