It Started With A Hamburger
The following is a combination of my continued education about Domestic Violence, from involvement in my community Domestic Violence Shelter, study, research, stories from others that I personally know and my own story as I remember it.
These are a few excerpts from It Started With A Hamburger and the partial letters contained within. They were written by Christian women within the church, whose names have been changed for their protection. | |
“Domestic Violence is everywhere. | |
“I was married to a gentleman holding a fantastic high paying job; very intelligent man, and very charismatic. But little did I know, when I first met him, that what I saw from the exterior was not the same as what was in the interior. He lost his temper at the drop of a hat and became very violent. When he had been drinking, the violence was ten-fold more.” | |
“I want to thank you for having the courage to tackle this problem and the problem the church has in dealing with it.” | |
“My first marriage I was young and didn’t know any better. I married someone who had to be in control and when he wasn’t he would act out on his anger by hitting me. I knew after I got pregnant with my son, Christopher, that one of us wouldn’t be alive if I stayed in that marriage.” | |
“All of a sudden, as we were walking in a nearby park, he threw me to the ground. I did not know what to think. At first I thought he was just being playful. Then, this Prince Charming turned into a monster.” | |
“The physical hurting stopped the day I left my husband of twelve years.” |