New Beginnings – Week 1

“A beginning is a very delicate time.” ~ Virginia Madsen

August is not the typical time of year that new beginnings come up, However, for many families it is the beginning of a new school year. This is the time of year for new schedules and new school supplies. It can also be a time of new stressors if you are stuck in an abusive relationship. Adjusting to new teachers, schedules, more time (or less depending on your situation/schedule) can be overwhelming for both children and parents. If you are in an abusive situation, it can get worse as the abuser is having to adjust to the change, too. Maybe it’s time for a new beginning for you, too. Maybe it’s time for you to make that change to make things better.

New Beginnings – Week 2

“Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn

Change is hard, but don’t let a new start feel like giving up. Being safe, emotionally and physically healthy and yes-even happy are important and achievable things if you are willing to make a change. It’s not a simple, knee jerk decision. It requires planning and time. I recently made the big change of selling my childhood home and starting new with my own new home. Leaving behind 40+ years of memories (especially those emotional ones tied to my mother who passed a little less than 2 years ago) was a HUGE change. But while I miss many of those things, I have to say the change has been a blessed new start for me. I still miss the place, the people, the memories but I am starting new roots and memories in a place that is better for my future.

New Beginnings – Week 3

“Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” ~ C.S. Lewis

What in your current situation is keeping you down? Are you consumed with memories of the past? Hoping upon hope that the person you know and love will change? Are you afraid of losing yourself if you change or move on? You won’t know until you try. It’s painful but freeing to move on with your own life. There is a moment (or several moments) of uncertainty as you let go of the pain and reach towards something new. It can be exciting, scary, and overwhelming all at the same time to move into that future. For me, moving out on my own into a new place was all of the above. I’m far from “over” the pain of losing my mom and moving on, but it is a step, and steps add up to a stronger future.

New Beginnings – Week 4

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” ~ Seneca

What new beginning are you trying to get to now? Change is hard. New beginnings often require giving something else up. But the fresh start is worth it. While you can’t escape or change your past, you can “end” some of the struggles your past has by embracing a new beginning. Pick one thing at a time to let go of and move towards the future God has for you. For me, it was moving to a new home and neighborhood that didn’t have the precious memories of my mom “haunting” me daily. They are beloved memories, but I knew I couldn’t move on when surrounded by them. After time, prayer and preparation – I knew it was time. My challenge for you as I wrap up this month is this: What part of your past is keeping you from experiencing a more positive future? What steps can you begin today to make that new beginning a reality?

July Blog – Week 1

2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV “For we live by faith, not by sight. When was the last time faith rose in you? In that moment, you didn’t consider the circumstance; you considered the Lord. Faith sees differently. Faith speaks differently. Faith makes different decisions. Faith lives, and you live by faith. Without it, you cannot please the Lord (Heb. 11:6). Faith is evidence that you trust God. It is evidence that you
believe Him. And with faith comes obedience. If there is no obedience, there is no faith. It’s no wonder why true life for the believer is lived by faith.

Today, you have an opportunity to have faith in God. How can you live by faith while in your home, on your job or wherever you are? “Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see,” (Heb. 11:1, GW). Faith isn’t double minded. It isn’t wishful thinking. Instead, faith sees something, says something, and does something based on God’s word. So, let faith rise as the Kingdom of God advances!

Week’s prayer:

“Lord, thank You for providing the Faith I need to live each day.”


How have you demonstrated faith during a challenging time?

July Blog – Week 2

Mark 11:24 – Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Life with God leads you to live differently. Because of your faith in Jesus, you make certain decisions and resist the urge to make other ones. When was the last time you decided differently because of the Holy Spirit’s leading? Perhaps at one time you thought you would marry one person, but because of God, you chose differently. Maybe at another time, you planned on receiving one job opportunity, but the Lord showed you something better. If you have lived long enough, you have made difficult decisions by faith.

Perhaps you are at a crossroads yet again. Maybe you have been wrestling with options, but you don’t know which one to choose. Both routes appear good. Though you may not know what to do yet, it doesn’t mean you will never know. So, talk to your Father. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your steps. And He will. In His time, He will.

Week’s Prayer:

“Lord, send clarity so that I may decide wisely concerning my circumstance.”


How have you demonstrated faith during a challenging time?

July Blog – Week 3

Mark 10:52 “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

Has God shown you a dream about your future? Maybe you are living in it right now. Or perhaps you are in the waiting room. If you believe what the Lord has revealed, you will do something. You will prepare for what God has prepared for you. As you go, God will
go with you. Remember that in moments when you are waiting on the Lord, sometimes He is waiting on you. If you ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern the difference, He will.

Consider James’ words: “So too, faith, if it does not have works [to back it up], is by itself dead [inoperative and ineffective],” (Ja. 2:17, AMP). Action is evidence that faith lives. And God called you to live by faith. No matter what the enemy hurls your way, live by faith. No matter what people say about you, live by faith. God’s word is true. His plans won’t fail. So, be one who acts upon what the Lord reveals.

Week’s Prayer:

“Lord, help me feed my faith and starve my fears and doubts.”


What is one step you can take today to feed your faith?

July Blog – Week 4

Hebrew 11:3 “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

Today, you don’t have to know everything. You don’t even have to understand everything. When God has spoken, when He has promised, let faith live in and through you. What are you waiting on? What are you watching for? For some, the wait is long. For others, it’s within reach. No matter the length of time, Hope in God. None of His words fall to the ground fruitless. Each word from the Lord is productive. His words produce. His words prevail. God’s words prosper.

If you’re in the middle of a long night, don’t give up. Hope in God. If you’ve travailed through a difficult road, let hope arise. The Lord sees the end before it begins. He planned for it. He prepares you for it. He develops you through it. And the end result is good as you live in Him. Resist the urge to get weary. Hope. Have faith. Trust. God will walk you through.

Week’s Prayer:

“Lord, make me one who hopes in You because of the faith You provide.”


As a result of your faith, what are you hoping for?

June – Week 1

Well, here you are! You have succeeded in leaving the toxic relationship behind. You and your kids are in a safe place filled with
calm and peaceful vibes. You’re tired and exhausted physically and emotionally. But you no longer need to walk on eggshells. Relief has arrived.

You have given up so much to escape to this refuge. You begin to list in your mind what’s been left behind. Clothing, bedding,
kitchenware, perhaps your car or your job, all of which will eventually be replaced. But what have you really lost? Self-respect,
confidence? God can restore all things through Christ Jesus.

June – Week 2

Building respect starts with setting healthy boundaries. This can be difficult to approach after living with an abusive partner.
Reach Out Speak Out has counselors to help you begin to learn to set these boundaries.

This will benefit not only your life but the lives of your children.

This improves self worth which creates a healthy, confident person and lessens the likelihood of the children being drawn into their
own toxic relationship when they grow up.

Taking these steps can be a bit scary. But I promise you that with each step you will begin to feel proud of yourself. Good choice!
