Mission Statement

Reach Out Speak Out‘s mission is to help women in need of assistance due to domestic violence; to provide shelter, food, clothing, and the necessities of life; to provide information through books and counseling; to enlist the help of other professionals with domestic violence experience; to speak at faith-based organizations and other community meetings regarding the warning signs of domestic violence.

Reach Out Speak Out has been a nonprofit ministry since 2013. Every member of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board has either worked with domestic violence victims and organizations or was a victim in their own life. Reach Out Speak Out is structured to help the women within our faith-based community and church. Although there are many organizations that help and shelter women and men affected by DV, there is a very small percentage of organizations that help specifically in this area. Since this particular group of women seems to stick with an abuser longer because of their faith, Reach Out Speak Out will educate them from a Biblical perspective. We will not use the “world’s” view on the subject. Although those views are very acceptable, the person we are talking about has been surrounded with a different guideline of living.


1. The candidate must be approved by a majority of the Board Of Directors
2. The candidate can contact Reach Out Speak Out, or be nominated by someone that knows about the domestic violence relationship
3. The candidate is a follower of God.
4. The candidate must be open about their needs on the interview sheet. If you think that you may need it, then mark it as needed.
5. The candidate must be willing to access help.
6. As we counsel and guide you, we will not tell you what to do. Your abuser has been doing that to you for you too long. We want you to become that person that God wants you to be, making choices as you pray and ask God what is next. Reach Out Speak Out is here to support you. We don’t want to just be another person telling you what to do.
(Note: If you ask for wisdom, we will tell you our thoughts.)

Each person in need of help will be interviewed by the Board of Directors. ALL information will be held private. The only people that will know the names and contact information will be the Board of Directors.


Reach Out Speak Out Board Of Directors

Elizabeth Sullivan - Incoming Chair
Elizabeth Sullivan (Chair)

Bio Coming Soon

Jan Porter (Chair)
Jan Porter (Treasurer)

As early as 1972, domestic violence and the journey through it entered into the life of the founder of Reach Out Speak Out. (Story found in the book entitled It Started With A Hamburger.) She is now very passionate about reaching women in domestic violence relationships within the church. Jan’s experiences have helped many to see a better, healthier and Biblical way to be free from domestic violence.

Beth Simpson
Beth Simpson (Secretary)

Domestic violence is so often overlooked and subtle you don’t even realize it is happening.

As an adult, Beth realized that she had grown up with a controlling, DV father. Her passion for Reach Out Speak Out came through this realization, and hopes her experiences can help others in similar situations.

Paul Porter
Paul Porter

The subject of domestic violence is particularly of interest to Paul because he was in a domestically violent family and frequently saw it being displayed by his mother and his father. Paul Porter has been the arena voice of the Orlando Magic for all 23 years of their history and the arena voice of the Tampa Bay Lightning of the National Hockey League for all but one of the 18 years they have played. He has announced NBA All-Star Games in 1980, 1992 and 2012. He was the voice of the NBA Finals in 1995 and 2009 and the NHL Finals in 2004 as well as the NHL All-Star Game in Tampa. Porter has been the voice of the World Basketball Championships in 1994 and 2002. Porter is the morning update sports anchor for Talk Radio 860 WGUL in Tampa and hosts a weekly radio program on Saturday mornings. He is married and lives in Tampa.

Heather Gilley
Heather Gilley

Bio Coming Soon

Advisory Committee

Susan Adams
Pastor Michael Neely
Stacy Ulrey Regan


Peggy Graham
Shelby B. Ketchen
Luisa Price
Kathy Simpson
George Sullivan
