The aftermath of coming out of an abusive relationship can be unnerving. Your feelings of relief may soon be replaced by doubt and a different type of fear. Thoughts of failure, wondering, Did I make the right decision, and the voices of critics can be overwhelming.

If there are children involved, they may be acting out because of what they are feeling and experiencing. It is difficult for children to express their feelings due to exposure to trauma.

The road to being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy takes time. The physical wounds heal quicker than the emotional wounds. Physiological scars run deep into the soul. There are also spiritual implications as well. Survivors may distrust God, their church and others who meant well.

Pastor Neely sits on the Advisory Committe for Reach Out Speak Out, FPEDV ( Florida Program Ending Domestic Violence, Hillsborough County Domestic Violence Task Force, Faith counselor for the Spring of Tampa Bay , is the lead pastor at New Millennium Community Church and is the author of Black Eyes and Sweet Talk

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