Be Kind

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” ― Wendy Mass I was chatting with a new coworker the other day, and we were just getting to know each other. As we were both sharing where we are in life, the fun, the struggles, etc she said...

‘Tis The Season Of Giving

As we head into December, I can’t help but think about how we are entering the season of giving. Giving Tuesday may be past, but giving -baked goods, time, gifts, love is not. Not only is it the time of giving for friends and family at Christmastime, but it’s also the...

Post-Thanksgiving Thoughts

“Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food and relaxing.” Irina Shayk Family Holidays Aren’t Always Like On TV But what if your family is not the safe, happy, “perfect” place it appears to be to others? Many people look forward to holidays...

Thankscriping is coming!!

Thankscriping? Wait, what? I thought it was called Thanksgiving…. Ok, so it’s both. “Scrip” is a gift card program where you order cards and I mail them directly to you. The best part is it doesn’t cost you anything extra, and the company gives a percentage of the...