The Many Facets of Love – Week 1

The Many Facets of Love – Week 1

My wedding was not a shotgun wedding, and I said those wedding vows of my own free will. The words were ringing in my ears: What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. I promise to love her until death do us apart. Love is a very complex emotion sometimes....
The Many Facets of Love – Week 2

The Many Facets of Love – Week 2

At home that Sunday evening, she did apologize, but her apology didn’t match the offense. It’s one thing to say I’m sorry for raising my voice at you and asking for forgiveness. However, it’s a whole other ballgame to apologize for a physical assault and expect...
The Many Facets of Love – Week 3

The Many Facets of Love – Week 3

The joy that I felt on my wedding day had now been replaced with doubt, fear, false guilt, and an uncertain future, but I was still in love. I had no idea that the same love that has your heart skipping a beat can also enslave and trap you. I now know that a love that...
I’m Out-Now What? – Week 1

I’m Out-Now What? – Week 1

The aftermath of coming out of an abusive relationship can be unnerving. Your feelings of relief may soon be replaced by doubt and a different type of fear. Thoughts of failure, wondering, Did I make the right decision, and the voices of critics can be overwhelming....
I’m Out-Now What? – Week 2

I’m Out-Now What? – Week 2

Too often survivors are rushed into forgiveness. This is not wise because it is what I call easy forgiveness. Unless the severity of the offense has been dealt with in detail the forgiveness is only superficial, and the survivor is never truly set free. My advice for...