Giving Up Hope Meant Finding Freedom

November (well, actually October 31) marks two years since I left my abusive relationship. I thought I had found freedom – and to an extent I had. But not altogether. I was hanging on to “maybe God will work a miracle and restore our marriage.” I know that happens...

Purple Passion 2020 Is Coming Soon!

#PurplePassion #SilentAuction #Fun #GiveBack #5thAnnual We are so excited that we are able to hold this silent auction. It is our biggest fundraiser of the year. It is necessary to have it to continue to be able to provide for our families. Thank you in...
Donate By Shopping With Scrip!

Donate By Shopping With Scrip!

Would you like to donate to Reach Out Speak Out, but you just can’t seem to find it in your budget? Here’s a great way to help us and it doesn’t cost you anything. It’s called ShopWithScrip is a gift card-buying program. You...